Pastor's Corner - Advent Season

Dear Friends,

Last week I alerted you to the new Advent Sermon Series, The Prophecy of Christmas, that will begin on Sunday, November 30th. The Christian Season of Advent starts four weeks before Christmas and serves as preparation time and celebration for the birth of Jesus.  Advent looks back at the incarnation but looks forward to the 2nd coming of our Lord.  Advent is all about anticipation.
There is no better way to “anticipate” Christmas than to spend time in worship as a family. To help you do this, I would like to share a family devotion with you to use with your family this Christmas season.  You can find the guide here: Advent Family Devotion
The Christmas season at Cornerstone will culminate on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th, as we Praise the LORD! in a candlelight service that evening. Please make plans to attend and invite your family and friends to worship with us.
During this holiday season we have much for which to be thankful.  THIS Sunday, we will celebrate Thanksgiving together as a church family at Monte Sano Lodge. Please plan to join us as we feast on the Lord's goodness to us.

by His grace and to His praise,
