Pastor's Corner - Christmas season
Dear Friends,
I hope that you had a chance this past week to read the news about Brian Russ, candidate to become our new Assistant Pastor. If you missed the newsletter about the Russes, please click here.
Looking ahead to the Christmas Holidays, let me encourage you and your family to take the time to focus on worship and preparation. This is an important part of Advent - we anticipate, we prepare, we worship Christ the King! One way you can do this is to read and meditate for yourself on the Songs of Christmas found in Luke 1 and 2. Another way you can do this is to make corporate worship and fellowship and key part of your holiday plans.
This Sunday, prepare your hearts for the Sacrament of Communion; an important means of grace that Jesus has given to the church. Additionally, on Sunday evening, December 20th at 6pm, we will have a fun time of food and fellowship at our first ever Cornerstone Family Christmas. The program will begin in the sanctuary and then we will gather downstairs for fellowship, hot chocolate and cookies! And finally, on Christmas Eve at 6pm, we will have a special Christmas Eve Service to celebrate the birth of our Savior and King. Please make plans to arrive early to make room for many family members.
Merry Christmas!
By His grace and to His praise, your pastor,

Worship Notes: December 13, 2015
- This Sunday we will continue in our Advent Sermon Series, The Songs of Christmas: The Angels' Song, Luke 2:8-14.
- In preparation for the sermon: "The most relevant message to this sin-ruined world was, is, and always will be, 'Glory to God in the highest.'" - Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.
- A new hymn for the week: Fullness of Grace
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- New book on the roots of the PCA that I'm looking forward to reading: For A Continuing Church
- Interesting article - the presence of books in the home is huge for children! Click here
- Our denomination has a GREAT magazine, By Faith. We usually have a few free issues laying around the church for you to take but you can also order it here.