Newsletter February 3, 2023
Newsletter | February 3, 2023
Dear Church Family and Friends,
We are off to a great start in this new year with our Wednesday night FOUNDATIONS program. If you have not had a chance to come, I encourage you to do so. I am enjoying leading the class on Biblical Counseling. This class was born out of the desire of your elders to see Cornerstone grow as a culture of caring one another. We truly desire to speak the truth in love to one another and to see one another built up and encouraged in their walk with Christ.
From time to time there are situations and circumstances that may lead you, or someone in our community, to seek counseling outside of the church. This is not always a bad thing ... but I think the question needs to be asked, "Is this the best thing?" To help you and others think through seeking Christian counseling outside the church, let me offer the following diagnostic questions to consider:
Is it Christ centered? … Is the goal to help someone pursue Christ and look to Him and not to themselves. A "me-centered" or "you-centered" approach is a hopeless way to live.
Is it Gospel centered? … Is the counseling constantly pointing the counselee back to the Good News of Jesus Christ? Christ is our only hope and life and in death.
Is there prayer? … Is the counselor calling for help and wisdom from somewhere outside of themselves? True Christian counseling should always seek help from our Heavenly Father.
Is the counselor actively encouraging their “patient” to talk to their church, to submit to the spiritual authority of their elders, and to engage in the regular body-life of their church to help them in their healing and growth? God has so designed the local church to help us grow in the Christian life. We need the body of Christ.
Is the counselor using the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of God? … Is there homework that calls the counselee to meditate on God’s Word and seek to apply it to their daily lives? While some secular techniques can be a great benefit to us in God's common grace, nothing compares to the "living and active" Word of God.
I hope these questions will be helpful to you as you “consider your counsel."
See you Sunday.
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship
February 5, 2023
This Sunday's Sermon: “The Gospel Of God: Tell Them What You Told Them”
ROMANS 3:27-31 (ESV)
Wilson’s Weekly
Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse every thing said or written in these links but hopes these articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.
Cornerstone Prayer Requests
Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Bill and JoAnn Sneed, Kyle Mosier, and Susan Dupré.
Pray for healing -Mary Allen Junen, Matthew Lawrence, Wendorfs, Phil Freeze, Gail Ricks, Bob Boerner, and Beverly Park.
Pray for our nursing home resident - Ruby Petcher
Praise for the birth of Margaret Claire Patrick, on December 29, 2022, daughter of Matt and Ivy Patrick, and granddaughter of David and Polly Ricks.
Pray for our expectant mothers - Amy Eckenrode (July), Andrea Mace (July), Ashley Collete (August), and the Kawell adoption.
Pray that the Lord would raise up an assistant pastor to serve at Cornerstone.
Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Daniel Cohee and family (Pray for their transition to South Carolina) and Valley Presbyterian Church, Madison, AL (Pastor William Plott).
New Members Class - Begins THIS Sunday, February 5th, during the Sunday School hour, in the Family Life Center. Join us, even if you haven’t registered.
Cornerstone Softball - If you are interested in playing on a church softball team this spring please reach out to Paul McKelvey (205-960-4009) for more information. Men and women needed!
FOUNDATIONS - Join us for a meal on Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm. Afterwards discipleship opportunities for all ages are offered from 6:15 to 7:15pm. A nursery is provided. RSVP HERE
•Children’s Study: Survey of the Bible led by Paige McClure.
•Youth Group Study: II Timothy led by Brian Russ.
•Men’s Study: The Disciplines of a Godly Man led by Shep Park and Joey Shelton.
•Women’s Study: Confronting Jesus led by Heidi Honeywell.
•Seminar: Covenant Theology led by Ed Pendergrass.
•Leadership Training: Biblical Counseling led by Wilson Shirley.
Serving at FOUNDATIONS - We need helpers for the meal each week! If you are able to help, please sign up HERE
Women’s Monthly Prayer Time - Thursday, February 9th, at 10am, at the church. Email Elena Lewis at with prayer requests or questions.
Cornerstone Men’s Retreat - Calling all men 18 and up, join us for a winter retreat on Spiritual Leadership in the Home, at Work, and in the Church. The retreat will be held February 24-25 at the Vision Retreat Center. Register HERE
RYM - For students 8th grade and up, RYM conference (July10-15) registration opened this week. Please email to sign up and receive the registration link.
Summer Mission Trip Opportunity - We are heading back to serve at Joni and Friends Family Retreat from June 25-30. This trip is open to families. Please email Paige McClure ( if you are interested in attending.
Abounding - To learn more about Abounding initiative click HERE.
Serving Opportunity with our Covenant Children - We are in need of volunteers to care for our children in the nursery. If you are a member and would like to volunteer see Nursery Volunteer Sign-Up You may also email Christina Wendorf if you have questions at
Bookshelf Ministry - Be sure to check out this resource ministry located in the Gathering Room. There are free books, tracts and other resources for you to take or give to someone.
Take a Hike!
Luke 5 is up and running! Training has begun. See Paul Wendorf to join the team or email for more information!
The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.
Please contact the church office by Thursday for changes or additions to prayer requests.
The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact or 256-489-4625.
1413 McClung Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
Copyright © Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.